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Benjamin Dean

Status in CURENT:

Benjamin Dean is an undergraduate student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in Electrical Engineering, with an anticipated ending date of May 2018.

Biographic Info:

Hometown: Cookeville,TN

Country: USA

Email: bdean7@vols.utk.edu


Academic Background:

Institution:  University of Tennessee

Degree: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Year: 2018 


Research Interests:

Wide-Bandgap Devices, Power electronic applications in wind and solar farms, Energy Storage



[1] M. Starke, N. Sawyer, B. Dean, M. Smith, G. Li, D. Spiers, B. Schultz, H. Harmen, “Development and Analysis of Energy Storage Sizing Tool for Residential Deployment,” 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, Il, Jul. 2017.