2021 Industry Conference
The 2021 Industry Conference was held virtually on Wednesday, October 27 & Thursday, October 28 (11am - 5pm each day) via WebEx.
Scroll down for information about the Keynote Speaker's presentations and bios for both the Keynote Speakers and the Industry Panelists.
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Keynote Speaker Presentations
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
13:00 - 13:30 Guohui Yuan - Program Manager, Systems Integration, DOE SETO
Title: An Overview of the SETO Systems Integration Program
Abstract: The Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) supports research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) of technologies and solutions – focusing on technical pillars in data, analytics, control, and hardware - that advance the reliable, resilient, secure, and affordable integration of solar energy onto the U.S. electric grid. The speaker will provide an overview of SETO Systems Integration program and highlight recent initiatives in grid forming technologies as well as application of AI/ML in solar grid integration.
13:30 - 14:00 Shay Bahramirad - Vice President of Climate and Resilience, Quanta Technologies
Title: Climate Change and Resilience Planning of Electric Power System
Abstract: The electricity sector is the key enabler of all critical infrastructure sectors that billions of people across the world depend on. However, electricity sector is under increased threat due to the ever-evolving impacts of climate change and weather events that are becoming more frequent and severe. Disruptions to the electrical infrastructure propagate to other sectors creating a domino effect. Climate change and its consequences have direct impacts on the electric grid; e.g., heat waves and record breaking winter temperatures cause demand surges beyond expectations and distribution substations are highly vulnerable to flooding. These threats are compounded in the face of aging infrastructure. The direct impacts from climate change put great emphasis on developing resiliency planning frameworks to adapt to the impacts of severe events on the functions of the electric grid. Increasing frequency of events make it inevitable for resiliency planning and solutions to become a part of coordinated planning functions in the electricity sector and investment prioritization frameworks including generation, transmission, and distribution. Resiliency planning is even more critical since not only the climate change and its impacts are evolving, but also the grid is evolving toward a more sustainable and renewable future with emerging solutions including Microgrids and distributed energy resources. More importantly, a resilient infrastructure is the building block of incorporating renewables and emerging technologies into the grid.
14:00 - 14:30 Cameron Kruse, Engineering and Technology Manger, Kauai Island Technologies
Title: Kauai’s Path to 100% Renewable: Past, Present, Future
Abstract: Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) is a vertically integrated electric cooperative serving its 33,000 member-owners on Kaua`i. Since 2009, has increased its renewable portfolio to successfully migrate its dispatch from 9% renewable in 2009 to 67% renewable in 2020. KIUC’s lessons learned and what it plans moving forward will be discussed.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
13:00 - 13:30 Lucy Lu - Power Electronics Research Engineer, Ford
Title: Vehicle Electrification and Its Grid Impact
Abstract: This presentation will give an overview of state-of-the-art transportation electrification-related technologies. Their impacts on the grid will be addressed. The challenges and opportunities for vehicle electrification, and EV charging in specific, will also be discussed.
13:30 - 14:00 Jing Xu - ABB
Title: Exploring the Advantages of WBG in ABB Applications
Abstract: This presentation will introduce the advantages of using WBG in different ABB applications, and a few examples of research projects will be given to show the improvements from WBGs.
14:00 - 14:30 Bill Fairechio and Constantine Spanos - Con Edison
Title: Innovating for the Underground - R&D for Con Edison's Underground Electric System
Abstract: Con Edison operates the world’s largest system of underground electric transmission and distribution system, accommodating the densely populated urban areas of New York City and Westchester. Approximately 75% of the 130,000 miles of transmission and distribution cable in the service territory are underground, robustly designed to prevent customers from experiencing power interruptions during the loss of a feeder, transformer, or electric main. Despite the many benefits of having an extensive underground system that affords Con Edison the title of most reliable utility in North America, there are also many operational and R&D challenges to locating, inspecting, and repairing damaged high voltage cabling. Con Edison R&D will discuss current practices and efforts to address the ongoing research needs presented by the underground electric system.
Keynote Speaker Bios
Guohui Yuan - Program Manager, DOE Solar Grid Integration R&D,DOE SETO
Dr. Yuan joined SETO as a technical advisor in 2011. Prior to the DOE, he held leadership positions at several industry-leading clean technology startups, including CURRENT Group, GridPoint, and WaveCrest Labs. Early in his career, he worked at COMSAT Labs as a systems scientist in satellite communications. He is a recognized thought leader and has many technical publications. He holds nine patents on electric vehicle propulsion systems. Dr. Yuan holds a B.S. degree from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China and a Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park, both in physics. He has also taken leadership trainings at MIT Sloan and at the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. |
Shay Bahramirad - Vice President of Climate and Resilience, Quanta Technologies
Dr. Bahramirad has held several positions in the Energy Sector, including Vice President of Engineering and Smart Grid at ComEd: the electric utility in Illinois. In these roles, she has overseen and/or executed “grid of the future” visions, technical roadmaps, analytical frameworks, and investment strategies of distribution system and communication network; Fiber. She has also been responsible for system reliability, DER integration, grid strategy and analytics, standards, maintenance inspection, emerging technologies, STEM programming, and reimagining the power grid to mitigate and adapt to climate change. She has also developed talent strategies, industry engagement plans, and advocacy programs to support business objectives. She has been the expert witness and testified on several state and federal regulatory proceedings around microgrids, energy storage, investment strategies, and Distributed generation interconnection; 1547. Dr. Bahramirad is an editorial board member of the Electricity Journal, US CIGRE Executive member, an adjunct professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, and the IEEE/PES Vice President of New Initiatives and Outreach, overseeing the organization’s engagement with policymakers globally around technical issues, investment strategies, emerging technologies, and developing plans for the next generation of frameworks including smart cities, and clean energy and running the philanthropy activities of IEEE/PES; Smart Village. She is the contributor to the United Nations SG7, Affordable and Clean Energy. |
Cameron Kruse - Engineering and Technology Manger, Kauai Island Technologies
Lucy Lu - Power Electronics Research Engineer, Ford
Since 2013, she has been with Ford Motor Company as a Power Electronics Research Engineer. Her research interests include traction inverter and on-board/off-board charger. |
Jing Xu - Senior Principal Scientist, ABB
William ("Bill") Fairechio - Section Manager, Research and Development, Con Edison
Constantine Spanos - Senior Research and Development Specialist, Con Edison
Industry Panelists Bios
Aminul Huque - Principal Project Manager, EPRI
Chongwen Zhao - Senior Hardware Engineer, Apple
Shuoting Zhang - Staff Power Electronic Controls Engineer, Tesla
Srijib Mukherjee - Senior R&D Advisor, ORNL
Tao Xia - Consulting Engineer, Dominion Power
Said Sidiqi - Senior Program Manager, TVA Said Sidiqi is a Senior Program Manager in the Enterprise Research and Technology Innovation organization at Tennessee Valley Authority. Mr. Sidiqi has over 15 years of experience in the electric utility industry, primarily supporting transmission operations and reliability operations. He has held position s of Senior Electrical Engineer, Principal Electric Engineer, and Manager Advanced Power Applications and is currently on rotational assignment to support the Transmission organization in R&D areas including advanced analytics, asset management, DER integration, grid resiliency, power quality, automation and mobility, and cybersecurity. Mr. Sidiqi has also been involved in numerous TVA initiatives to support cultural improvements including memberships in Employee Advisory Group(s), Diversity Council, Mentorship Programs, Health and Safety Committee, and Employee Resource Group(s). Mr. Sidiqi is a graduate of Tennessee Technological University with a BSEE degree. |