CURENT SLC Newsletter
For November 2015
News on the Center, Faculty, Students, Opportunities, and Events
CURENT won third place for the lab tours and booth at the UTK Engineers Day on Oct. 22, 2015. Mr. Erin Wills organized the event for CURENT. The helpers for the lab tours were Lakshmi Sundaresh and Ling "Ellen" Wu for FNET and John Duggan for SeeLab. Mr. Wills conducted the HTB/Visualization Room talk. The booth and lab tour meeting spot was hosted by Deepa Dave and Yajun Wang. Approximately 50 flyers were picked up at the booth. Read more. |
CURENT Hosted Open House on Fri., Nov. 20th
CURENT hosted an Open House on Fri., Nov. 20th for EECS undergraduates and other students who are interested in Power Engineering. During the event, faculty provided the basic information of CURENT, the graduate program, and their research interest. Undergraduate students talked with faculty, staff, and graduate students. They also visited CURENT labs. Find the details. |
RPI Hosts SECO RT-PSE Project Meeting
RPI hosted a SECO RT-PSE project meeting on November 10, 2015. The meeting was attended by engineers from NYISO, ISO-NE, and NYPA. Russell Robertson from GPA (Principle Investigator of the project) and Lisa Beard from CURENT ERC also attended. Joe Chow’s graduate students made presentations. Read more. |
Jessica Boles Places 3rd in Perfect Pitch Contest
CURENT student Jessica Boles took 3rd place and won $1,000 prize in the Perfect Pitch competition at the ERC meeting in Washington, D.C., Oct. 28. As such, she presented her idea to congressional staffers. Read more. |
SLC Creates LinkedIn Group
CURENT is pleased to announce that the SLC has created a CURENT group on LinkedIn to foster better communication within 4 campuses of CURENT. Led by Jiecheng (Jeff) Zhao, the LinkedIn group hopes to unite students with opportunities and ideas. Read more. |
SLC Seminar of this Semester Ended
The SLC seminars and industry seminars of this semester have ended. If you would like to download the slides and replay the videos, please click here to log in Confluence. |
Upcoming Seminars
Upcoming professional development seminars include: Research ethics, intellectual property, interview skills, women in power, etc. Please wait.
A schedule for seminars will be released in early January. If you would like to volunteer to give a seminar, please contact Denis Osipov. |
As an Electrical Grid Integration Engineer, you will model, simulate and control electrical systems across a wide variety of applications including renewable energy and energy storage integration, marine and aviation electric power systems and distributed generation. Find details. |
Download the details after you log in the Confluence. |
The Power and Energy Systems Group, in the Electrical and Electronic Systems Research Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is seeking a power systems researcher with electricity system planning experience to conduct projects, expand research, and manage R&D in the development of projects to support the power systems research program in the areas of economic, environmental, and operational analyses on a variety of energy topics. Most topics will be connected with the electricity sector or its interaction with other sectors. Find details. |
NEC Labs (Energy Management Dept.) is looking for two research assistants in the area of power systems/controls/software engineering for the winter/spring semester. The starting time for these two positions are flexible. The position is on real-time hardware-in-the-loop simulation of microgrid with renewables & energy storage and the other is on developing numerical analysis and optimization techniques for microgrid EMS. For details and formally application, please search here. |
The mission of the ERCOT Summer Internship Program is to partner with students pursuing academic excellence to create opportunities that stretch learning experiences into a work environment with intellectually challenging projects and assignments. These opportunities will promote utility industry awareness, growth, and identification of top talent for future employment. The position is open to undergraduates, but graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply. Find details. |
SLC is going to hold a Thanksgiving Pot Luck event on November 24 at 5:30 in Min Kao Rm 121. We will be providing the turkey and traditional Thanksgiving sides. If you are planning on attending then please contribute a dish, even drinks or snacks would be appreciated. The SLC is providing a 16 lb. Turkey and more. Certificates will be given out the best dishes! If you plan on attending, please fill out this google doc. This link shows what dishes are being brought.
Cannot find a room to prepare for the final exams? Feeling sleepy during your studies? Join the CURENT Cafe during the final exam week in Min H. Kao 121. Details will be sent through email.
Erin Wills is recruiting volunteers for the engineering night on 12/03 (Thursday). This is the last and typically the largest outreach event of this semester. The time is from 4:20 pm (leaving from UTK) to 7:20 pm (getting back to UTK). You are encouraged to join! Fill the form to join.
CURENT Engineering Research Center
555 Min H. Kao Building
The University of Tennessee
1520 Middle Drive | Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: 865.974.9401 | Fax: 865.974.9723
Visit us at
CURENT is a National Science Foundation and Department of Energy Engineering Research Center headquartered at UTK. Partner institutions are Northeastern University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Tuskegee University. |