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Phuc "Peter" Pham and Larry Marshall, and Chongwen Zhao will present at the SLC Seminar on Friday, September 29th.

Presenters: Phuc Pham and Larry Marshall, and Chongwen Zhao

Time: Friday, September 29th, 12:20 PM - 1:10 PM EST

Location: Min Kao Building, Room 404

This meeting will be available through ZOOM for factulty, industry and partner school students. ZOOM info follows the speaker info. 

Presenters: Phuc Pham, UTK, and Larry Marshall, UTK

Title: Smart Home Testbed for Demand Response Implementation

Abstract: Smart grid has been one of the hottest topics in the past few years. Responsive load or controllable load, as one of the major activities in smart grid, has attracted much interest from the electric power industry. Traditionally, the price-based demand response programs have been well researched to mitigate the long-term unbalance between generation and demand power. However, the high penetration of renewable power may create short-term power unbalance, which results in frequency fluctuation. Therefore, it is a promising area to explore the potential of residential loads for mitigating such frequency fluctuations. The purpose of dynamic demand control is to reduce the need of generator spinning reserve while maintaining the flexible frequency regulation. In this project, a smart home testbed is developed for both the price-based and frequency-based load control.

Bio: Phuc Pham is a senior Electrical Engineering student at UT. He will graduate and get my B.S. degree in May 2018. He is currently enrolled in the 5-year B.S./M.S. program so he will come back to UT to pursue the master's degree. He has been working for CURENT since last summer under Dr. Fran Li. His interest areas are Power Systems and Power Electronics. 

Larry Marshall is a senior in Electrical Engineering, arriving at UTK in Fall '15, planning on pursuing his master's degree directly after graduation. His background includes 8 years of service in the USAF, undergraduate research under Dr. Fran Li, and membership in the SLC's lab committee. Larry has also participated in and supervised various outreach events designed to bring more people to the STEM subjects for study after high school. Larry's areas of interest include power systems and power electronics. His current research topics include mitigation of frequency fluctuations as a result of penetration of renewables by effective monitoring and control of residential loads based on real-time frequency data.

Presenter: Chongwen Zhao, UTK

Title: A Phase-Shift Dual-Frequency Selective Harmonic Elimination for Multiple AC Loads

Abstract: Concurrent dual-frequency ac outputs from a single-inverter configuration potentially benefit many industrial applications, such as induction heating and wireless power transfer. In this talk, a phase-shift dual-frequency selective harmonic elimination (DFSHE) method is proposed to simultaneously generate and regulate two ac outputs at different frequencies from a single full-bridge inverter, which expands the family of DFSHEs. With the phase shift operation, all triplen harmonics of the fundamental are inherently suppressed in the inverter output spectrum, which improves the output THD, and may ease filter design. In addition, an evaluation of the unipolar, bipolar and phase-shift DFSHE techniques is presented, which analyzes design tradeoffs for multi-frequency applications. Finally, experimental results from a 50 W dual-output inverter validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which agree with theoretical predictions and simulation results.

Bio: Chongwen Zhao received the B.Sc. degree from the School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, China, in 2011, and received the M.Sc. degree from the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2014. Currently, he is working toward the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA.


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