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The SLC Seminar on Friday, October 20th will be given by Dr. Xiaojing Xu, a Postdoctoral Research Associate with CURENT at the University of Tennessee, and Ms. Kirsten Dawes, a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science also at the University of Tennessee.

Presenters: Dr. Xiaojing Xu and Ms. Kirsten Dawes

Time: Friday, October 20th, 12:20 PM - 1:10 PM EST

Location: Min Kao Building, Room 404

Remote viewers may watch with Zoom. Zoom instructions follow the seminar abstracts and bios.

Presenter: Dr. Xiaojing Xu, Postdoctoral Research Associate, CURENT, University of Tennessee

Title: On second thought about promoting demand response with financial incentives: Insights from a socio-psychological approach

Abstract: Despite the popularity of price-based and incentive-based demand (DR) programs, the effectiveness of financial incentives still remains in question. This presentation will go over the major findings of a national survey conducted by CURENT, which investigated 1) people’s willingness to participate in DR with and without financial or other incentives, 2) is financial incentives the most effective? 3) how the preference changes across different demographic sectors? and 4) what are the socio-psychological drivers of or barriers to adopting DR? This presentation will go on to discuss about the psychological and behavioral theories and studies that address the effectiveness of financial rewards/appeals, as well as their insights for power engineers.  

Bio: Dr. Xiaojing Xu, Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, is a postdoctoral research associate at NSF-DOE Engineering Research Center for Ultra-wide-area Resilient Electrical Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Her research focuses on social psychological analysis on energy behavior and pro-environmental decision making.

Presenter: Ms. Kirsten Dawes, Computer Science, Ph.D. Candidate

Title: Large Scale Test Bed Visualization

Abstract: The power grid system is highly complex and interacting with the system can bebeneficial to understand and managing events. Interacting with power grid systems takes a couple different forms. Reading tables of data to explore and inspect specific elements or group elements is one way to interact with the data. However, this is particularly difficult when you are dealing with multiple variables as well as multiple devices as the data grows larger. This is where interactive visualizations with power grid systems becomes important. To see the data in a way that is readable to engineers and scientists alike there needs to be a system where data can be inputted. As the world becomes more and more web-based, so do our programs. Interacting with multiple engineers across the country to see a real-time simulation of power grid system is beneficial to productivity. One of the most convenient ways to interact with multiple users across the country is through the web. A web-based application will allow better communication between users. We are looking at what type of visualizations are the best and how best to interact with this type of power grid system.

Bio: Ms. Kirsten Dawes, a second-year computer science Ph.D. student in SeeLab group at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville is currently working on spatial-temporal visualization. She did her undergraduate at the University of Oregon working with CDUX research group focusing on VisIt and Intel Xeon Phi interaction

Zoom Instructions

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    Meeting ID: 698 365 902
    International numbers available: https://tennessee.zoom.us/zoomconference?m=2FHz53ADqbVJKGGi0pfqT1gkS_Ogc3y-

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    H.323: (US West) or (US East)
    Meeting ID: 698 365 902

    SIP: 698365902@zoomcrc.com

About the CURENT Seminar Series: CURENT invites industry leaders and academic experts to participate in our seminars at the center's lead institute, the University of Tennessee, typically on the last Friday of each month (Note: Other Fridays may be scheduled based on speaker availability). Seminars cover a variety of topics related to the ongoing research and technical development of the nation's power grid.

CURENT is a National Science Foundation and Department of Energy Engineering Research Center headquartered at UT. Partner institutions are Northeastern University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Tuskegee University.